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Started 1 yr 9 mo ago
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Weld integration for glassfish (Aug 22, 2022, 12:43:05 PM)

Build Artifacts
weld-integration-7.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar173.38 KiB view
weld-integration-7.0.0-SNAPSHOT.pom6.79 KiB view
  1. Closing resources - deployment archives (details)
  2. Undo commit d7822ec6f9b644524a8b966ac02987c8944fc26b (details)
  3. Override getKnownClasses for CDI TCK (details)
  4. Updated Jakarta EE 10 references in code (details)
  5. Formatting (details)
  6. Fixed log message - BeanDeploymentArchiveImpl instead of DeploymentImpl (details)
  7. Fixed incompatibility of GF built on JDK17 with JDK11. (details)
  8. Minor cleanup - formatting, loggers (details)
  9. Fix for #24085 Manifest doesn't always exist (details)