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Started by user Gurunandan Rao
[Wed Apr 17 05:46:26 EDT 2024] Starting branch indexing...
05:46:27 Connecting to using GitHub bot (username/token)
Examining gurunrao/jakartaee-tck

  Checking branches...

  Getting remote branches...

    Checking branch master
      ‘Jenkinsfile’ found
    Met criteria
No changes detected: master (still at 82a976ee03a7ea47bcd8ff8623579708802e937f)

    Checking branch 9.1.X-compat
      ‘Jenkinsfile’ found
    Met criteria
No changes detected: 9.1.X-compat (still at 566f2ca5627fd8ef714e6f163d44c3e772bd428b)

    Checking branch 9.1.x-sig-fix
      ‘Jenkinsfile’ found
    Met criteria
No changes detected: 9.1.x-sig-fix (still at b2ec7526fb96e4c19f92fb03fc66a2e40188f1b3)

    Checking branch 9.1.x-signature
      ‘Jenkinsfile’ found
    Met criteria
No changes detected: 9.1.x-signature (still at 6723edbb314af78fd0c1a13b985e4282563d7777)

    Checking branch 9.1.x-wls
      ‘Jenkinsfile’ found
    Met criteria
No changes detected: 9.1.x-wls (still at 4d870bb6d7fd03c74eff296095d1d6b5ecd6ce57)

    Checking branch jdk21-gf-logs
      ‘Jenkinsfile’ found
    Met criteria
No changes detected: jdk21-gf-logs (still at 6af6b9efe219f8a70ec5cc955dcf8eea7210fc6b)

    Checking branch jdk21-run
      ‘Jenkinsfile’ found
    Met criteria
No changes detected: jdk21-run (still at d160a1e14e1916aedf6c44cdc1d48f385c38ea53)

    Checking branch mail-pluggability
      ‘Jenkinsfile’ found
    Met criteria
No changes detected: mail-pluggability (still at 5f3d45b3d5b36fcf3f58090c3aa4d1a7652f03a7)

    Checking branch security-manager
      ‘Jenkinsfile’ found
    Met criteria
No changes detected: security-manager (still at f1bfcc39731538d09a26d999df385a220baab402)

    Checking branch tckrefactor
      ‘Jenkinsfile’ found
    Met criteria
No changes detected: tckrefactor (still at e3ab547f4308877e2178ef21609c0d8aac45f766)

    Checking branch tckrefactor-jaxws
      ‘Jenkinsfile’ found
    Met criteria
No changes detected: tckrefactor-jaxws (still at 9f19637c76298f7f98531a4de701f908d0c29ca5)

    Checking branch tckrefactor-jms
      ‘Jenkinsfile’ found
    Met criteria
No changes detected: tckrefactor-jms (still at c50312d95eadb86eb9050b92823282a0beb87f5e)

    Checking branch tckrefactor-jpa
      ‘Jenkinsfile’ found
    Met criteria
No changes detected: tckrefactor-jpa (still at fe6f942f76274b373593f4f18ed8711258f711e5)

    Checking branch tckrefactor-jta
      ‘Jenkinsfile’ found
    Met criteria
No changes detected: tckrefactor-jta (still at 87d8d60e7b6d8c60943a44266d3d122687a68823)

    Checking branch tckrefactor-saaj
      ‘Jenkinsfile’ found
    Met criteria
No changes detected: tckrefactor-saaj (still at d5b6b583a037f9219e098891ef19ea18ddb9aa98)

  15 branches were processed

Finished examining gurunrao/jakartaee-tck

[Wed Apr 17 05:46:30 EDT 2024] Finished branch indexing. Indexing took 3.1 sec
Evaluating orphaned items in guru » jakartaee-tck-build-run
Will not remove websocket-tck-test as it is only #1 in the list
Will not remove websocket-bundle as it is only #2 in the list
Will not remove tck-refactor-websocket-2 as it is only #3 in the list
Will not remove jee11-json as it is only #4 in the list
Will not remove core-profile as it is only #5 in the list
Finished: SUCCESS